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Monday, May 12, 2014

How I spent my Mother's Day

I hope everyone had a blessed Mother's Day. My started with a table full
of homemade cracked me up that they left it on top
of the laptop.

Daughter " We knew you wouldn't MISS it there "

We enjoyed a lovely Church service...we had a Father and Daughter
 sing a duet--was so lovely had every Mom  wiping away tears.

 We enjoyed a meal prepared by my Dad and my kids and Hubby cleaned the kitchen.
My Mom " THATS the best gift!!!"
Then they presented us each with a table full of flowers,veggie plants and scratch-offs =D

I'm going to have to use my winnings from the scratch offs  to invest in a new pair of gardening gloves so I don't mess up the great manicure I got from my daughter.

We ended the day playing cards where my Mom won every game.



  1. That was a great Mother's Day! I like that manicure!! And I LOVE that they cleaned after the meal!!

  2. I love all the homemade stuff. Love that she gave you a manicure. Creative idea for a gift she had

  3. This was a lovely way to spend a special day. We are so blessed to be mommies!

  4. oow those are the sweetest gesture! you are a wonderful Mom..keep it up!

    I too cracked up on the laptop. Children with blogger Moms know what we reach for first thing in the morning!

  5. Looks like you had a really great Mother's day! Love the manicure your daughter gave you!

  6. So sweet! I love the manicure! But your mom won all the card games? What's up with that!? Guess it comes with experience, lol!


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