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Monday, December 11, 2017

#REVIEW Coobie Seamless Bras; the most comfortable bra EVER!+ #GIVEAWAY #shopcoobie #ad @usfg

You NEED this amazing bra in your life!

 Coobie Seamless Bra – Scoopneck – is one of the most popular styles. Available in neutrals and fun colors. One size fits almost every body.
 Soft & Stretchy.
  Claimes  to  fits sizes 32A to 36D. We didn't test this style but the fuller version did fit the size range so I believe this will too.

 They also carry  Coobie Seamless Bra, Scoopneck  in a Full Size is the same popular style but in a larger “Full” size. Ultra comfortable.  Full Size fits sizes 38A to 42D-DD.  I tested this bra out with two other FULL ladies. 

The other style I tried was  The Coobie Comfort Bra! This amazingly comfortable bra features extra wide, fixed straps that made it feel very comfortable! 

Available in 4 sizes for a more customized fit – Small, Medium, Large & Extra Large. Also has removable pads. Made of the same extremely comfortable, stretchy fabric as the original Coobie Seamless Bra. Approximate traditional bra size equivalents are: Small – 30A-34D, Medium – 34A-36D, Large – 38A-42D, Extra Large- 42A-48D/DD. (XL sizes cost $2 more) 






SHOP MORE HERE  There are so many other styles, you sure to find one you love!

Save 30% on Coobie Seamless Bras at Use code: USFG

Friday, December 1, 2017

#Review Watch Ya' Mouth Game Awarded Top Holiday Toy of 2017 #ad

Watch Ya' Mouth Throwdown Edition is the evolution of the original, wildly popular, hilarious Watch Ya' Mouth game. Rather than just speak phrases, players now go head-to-head with hilarious and challenging tasks - while wearing mouthpieces.

These challenges made it extra fun for our family as we are all SUPER COMPETITIVE!!!

Six of us were playing and we all won at least one of our match-ups. After we played there were a few of the challenges some didn't get to do ( there over 100!) so they wanted to try just for fun-- Pick Up Stick & Traveling water turned into mini self challenges.

Throw-down Edition takes competition - and laughter - to the next level and builds on the multi-generational gaming phenomena. Because of the way the challenge match ups go  this is a game the same six people could play over and over and it would never be the same game!!


Throwdown Edition has already been Awarded Top Holiday Toy of 2017 by Toy Insider & selected for the 2017 Amazon Holiday Toy List.

Want a hilarious family game to play during the Holidays? Your search is over. 15% off Coupon Code: 15THROWDOWN

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